Edit: I've added the ability to restart the game with a different speed or the same speed after the game has been finished. You can view the flow chart of how the game is played below under the Gameplay heading.
Fully populated board
Front of PCB
Rear of PCB
All digital files that are available, including the schematic, board files, code, and gerbers are located on my GitHub.
Part | Where to order | Quantity | Description |
9V Battery Snap | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Power supply for circuit |
On/Off Switch | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Turn the power on and off |
3.3V Voltage Regulator | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Drop the 9V supply to 3.3V needed for the circuit |
Potentiometer | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Adjust the speed that the LEDs flash |
10KΩ Resistor | Sparkfun Wishlist | 2 | Pull up switches up to VCC |
Pushbutton Switch | Sparkfun Wishlist | 2 | Select buttons to start and stop the game |
10uF Electrolytic Capacitor | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Needed for voltage regulation |
0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor | Sparkfun Wishlist | 2 | Needed for voltage regulation and for MSP430 voltage decoupling |
LED | Sparkfun Wishlist | 8 | Display for game |
330Ω Resistor | Sparkfun Wishlist | 8 | Current limiting for LEDs |
74HC595 | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Drive 8 LEDs with 3 pins of MSP430 |
Programming Header | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Allows for in-circuit programming of the MSP430 |
Female-to-Female Jumper Wires | Sparkfun Wishlist | 1 | Connect programming header to TI Launchpad |
TI MSP430 Launchpad | Texas Instruments | 1 | To program the MSP430 chip |
MSP430G2231 | Texas Instruments | 1 | Microcontroller to do the hard work |
47KΩ Resistor | Digikey | 1 | Pulls RST line up to VCC |
Programming hookup (Explained in step 5)
I bought a Printrbot from Kickstarter because I've been interested in 3D printing and thought this was the best and lowest-cost way of doing it myself. When I finally recieve it, I will design a case for this game. I will add the files when I finally make it.
I have also thought about making another version of this game with nothing but surface mount parts. I plan on adding two colors of LEDs so it can randomly pick a position to stop the LED by lighting that position in a different color. It would also have the logic to determine if you've won by matching them or lost by being off. This is currently nothing but an idea but I will but I will put work into it when I have more free time after school is out over the Summer.